How not to screw up Mother's Day. Hint: Just remember one thing

Dear Dads,

You’ve probably just finished filing your taxes (or filed an extension) and are finally sitting back to breathe a little. Well, sorry to lay it on you buddy, but Mother’s Day is just around the corner: Sunday, May 12 to be exact.

The good news is there’s only one really important thing you need to remember to not screw up Mother’s Day. And that thing is to make mom feel special. Now, this is something I hope doesn’t happen only once a year. Ideally, everyday is mother’s day in some way. But let’s be real, you’re not Mel Gibson who got struck by lightning and all of a sudden knows what women want all the time -- you’re human.


Well, Mother’s Day is your day to shine. It’s time for mom to take the backseat and for you to be in charge. On this day, you have the incredible opportunity to show your superhuman powers.

Here’s some powers you can unleash, if only you set your mind to it:

  • A memory like Sherlock Holmes: remember when you forgot it was your wedding anniversary, to fold the laundry, or pick up the kid from school? Well, you didn’t forget it was Mother’s Day! So the whole house is clean (bonus points if you can do it the day before so she can wake up to it) and the kids are taken care of. You got this!

  • Endurance similar to Flash: Let’s face it -- if you decide to give mom a break from the kids for a day, you’re going to need all the endurance you can get.

  • Invisible cloak it up like Harry Potter: are you going to let her have a spa day to herself? Whatever you decide, best to disappear altogether. And this means no phone calls or texts if little Jack pooped all over the floor and you’re in a panic.

  • Use your heart ring like Ma-Ti: Remember that kid in Captain Planet with the heart ring? He used empathy and understanding to calm his team down (and he talked to animals). Sometimes, all mom needs to feel special is for you to show that you’re 100% present for her - physically and mentally. It starts with lending your ear.

Use your superhuman powers wisely, and maybe, just maybe, they’ll land you in the bedroom where you can finish up with your super strength as Thor. #hammer
